
The mission of the Property Committee is to be devoted stewards of the property God has loaned us, working together as a team taking up those tasks (repairing, maintaining, building, recruiting, instructing, etc.) that fits with “the mission of the church”.

We continue to be blessed with a small group of faithful Committee members and other volunteers to perform ongoing weekly, monthly, and seasonal work as needed.

Unfortunately, this work is often performed on an “as able” or “as available” basis, thus making it less certain that the facility always receives the full attention it requires, or at least in a timely manner. The church remains in the unenviable, if not vulnerable, position of trying to walk a tightrope, carefully balancing facility needs with available funds. We still cannot simply write a check and pay for hired services as we once did for some repairs and regular maintenance. We therefore ask for two things of all our membership:

1) Consider your pledge and giving to Trinity. Give regularly and generously to budget and mortgage as you are able, but also consider “an over and above” gift (or gifts) through the year with those funds designated for property needs. Emergencies do arise that are unbudgeted.

2) Consider your own gifts and abilities. How might God be calling you to use them to serve in our ongoing maintenance, cleaning, and repairs of our building and grounds?